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Architecture Masterprize 2021



United States of America



2022 - Number 277

South Korea

Architecture & Culture


2022 - Number 491

South Korea

Vía Construcción


2022 - Number 159




2022 - Number 274

South Korea

Architecture & Culture


2022 - Number 489

South Korea



2022 - Number 273

South Korea

XII Biennal Alejandro de la Sota Mostra d'Arquitectura de Tarragona



NAN Arquitectura


2021 - Número 168




2021 - Número 264

South Korea

Architecture Masterprize '20



United States of America







2020 - Number 252

South Korea

Design & Solutions


2019 - Number 10




2019 - Number 14




2019 - Number 245

South Korea



2019 - Number 13


Guia d'arquitectura de Tarragona s.XX



Platform Architecture and Design


2017 - Number 12


La Vanguardia






2012 - Number 66


Living Deco


2009 - Number 33


VI Biennal d'Arquitectura

Alejandro De La Sota



PFC 2003-2006

COAC Demarcació de Tarragona 









2004 - Number 6


Abitare. 2022. Publication of Ca Marcelo, on the architecture platform Abitare, from Milano, Italy.

AECCafé. 2016. Publication of Day center and Home for the elderly of Blancafort, on the plataform AECCafé, from California, USA. 2017. Publication of Casa Siena. 2018. Publication of Casa Júlia. 2020. Publication of Servifinques and Casa GLAG. 2021. Publication of Ca Marcelo. 2022. Publication of Casa 22 Avellaners and Casa PR.

Archdaily. 2016. Publication of Day center and Home for the elderly of Blancafort on the architecture platform Archdaily, from Chile. 2017. Publication of Casa Siena. 2018. Publication of Casa Júlia. 2019. Publication of Casa VN. 2021. Publication of Casa d'en Jaume. 2022. Publication of Casa 22 Avellaners  and Ca Marcelo.

Archello. 2016. Publication of Day center and Home for the elderly of Blancafort on the architecture platform Archello. 2017. Publication of Casa Siena. 2018. Publication of Casa Júlia. 2019. Publication of Casa VN. 2020. Publication of Casa GLAG and Servifinques. 2021. Publication of Ca Marcelo and Casa d'en Jaume. 2022. Publication of Casa 22 Avellaners and Casa PR.

Archidiaries. 2022. Publication of Day center and Home for the elderly of Blancafort, Casa VN, Ca Marcelo, Casa 22 Avellaners, Casa d'en Jaume, Casa PR, Casa MBCasa CL and Casa Siena on the architecture platform Archidiaries, from Ahmedabad, India.

Archilovers. 2018. Publication of Day center and Home for the elderly of Blancafort, Casa Siena and Casa Júlia on the architecture platform Archilovers, from Italy. 2019. Publication of Casa VN. 2020. Publication of Casa GLAG and Servifinques. 2021. Publication of Ca Marcelo and Casa d'en Jaume2022. Publication of Casa 22 Avellaners and Casa PR.

Archiportale. 2021. Publication of Ca Marcelo on the platform Archiportale, from Bari, Italy.

Archiscene. 2018. Publication of Casa Júlia on the architecture platform Archiscene. 

Architectural Digest España. 2021. Publication of Casa VN on the platform Architectural Digest España, from Spain.

Architecture and Culture. 2019. Publication of Casa VN in the architecture and culture magazine A&C Architecture and Culture, from South Korea. 2022. Publication of Casa d'en Jaume in number 489. Publication of Casa PR in number 491.

Architecture Masterprize. 2020. Publication of Day Center and Home for the elderly of Blancafort in the book that collects the projects awarded in the Architecture Masterprize 2020 awards. 2021. Publication of Ca Marcelo and Casa VN in the book that collects the projects awarded in the Architecture Masterprize 2021 awards.

Architettura, Infrastrutture, Paesaggio. 2003. Publication of proposals developed in Seminario Internazionale di Progetazzione 'Architettura, Infrastrutture, Paesaggio - Cagliari'. Facoltà d'architettura. Politecnico di Milano. 

Architizer. 2016. Publication of Day center and Home for the elderly of Blancafort on the architecture platform Architizer, from New York , USA. 2017. Publication of Casa Siena. 2018. Publication of Casa Júlia. 2019. Publication of Casa VN2020. Publication of Casa GLAG and Servifinques. 2021. Publication of Ca Marcelo and Casa d'en Jaume. 2022. Publication of Casa 22 Avellaners and Casa PR.

Archivoice. 2020. Publication of Day center and Home for the elderly of Blancafort, Casa VN and Casa Siena on the architecture platform Archivoice, from India.

Arqa. 2021. Publication of Ca Marcelo on the architecture platform Arqa, from Argentina.

Arquine. 2018. Publication of Day center and Home for the elderly of Blancafort on the architecture platform Arquine, from Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico. 2021. Publication of Ca Marcelo.

Arquitectura y Diseño. 2022. Publication of Casa 22 Avellaners on the platform Arquitectura y Diseño, from Spain. 

Arquitectura Viva. 2018. Publication of Day center and Home for the elderly of Blancafort on the architecture platform Arquitectura Viva, from Madrid, Spain.

AT. 2004. Commemoration of the 40 years of the Tarragona Civil Government building, by architect Alejandro de la Sota in the magazine AT Arquitectes de Tarragona, published by Demarcació de Tarragona del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya.

Beta Architecture. 2020. Publication of Casa 2M  and Valldemur Preschool and Primary School Center in Barberà de la Conca.

Biennal Alejandro de la Sota. 2009. Publication in the catalog of the VI Alejandro de la Sota Biennial of the Oficina agrícola i Secció de crèdit de La Canonja, as a longlisted work. 2021. Publication in the catalog of the XII Alejandro de la Sota Biennial of Casa 22 Avellaners, as a finalist work.

Casalibrary. 2019. Publication of Casa VN on the platform Casalibrary.

Concept. 2019.  Publication of Day center and Home for the elderly of Blancafort  in number 245 of Concept magazine, from South Korea. 2020. Publication of Casa VN, Day center and Home for the elderly of Blancafort, Casa MBCasa CLCases La MoraCasa SienaCa MarceloCasa JúliaCasa GLAG and Servifinques in a monograph in number 252. 2021. Publication of Ca Marcelo in number 264. 2022. Publication of Casa d'en Jaume in number 273. Publication of Casa 22 Avellaners in number 274. Publication of Casa PR in number 277.

Diariodesign. 2022. Publication of Casa 22 Avellaners in the design, interior design and architecture magazine Diariodesign, from Barcelona, Spain.

Designbox. 2018. Publication of Day center and Home for the elderly of BlancafortCasa Júlia on the architecture platform Designbox. 2019. Publication of Casa VN 2020. Publication of Casa GLAG. 2022. Publication of Casa 22 Avellaners and Casa PR.

Design Nuance. 2022. Publication of Casa PR and Casa 22 Avellaners on the sustainable design platform Design Nuance. 

Design & Solutions. 2019. Publication of Casa VN in number 10 of Design & Solutions magazine, from Jung Electro Ibérica.

Dezeen. 2018. Publication of Day center and Home for the elderly of Blancafort on the architecture platform Dezeen, from London, GB, and New York, USA.

Divisare. 2017. Publication of Casa Siena on the architecture platform Divisare, from Rome, Italy. 2018. Publication of Day center and Home for the elderly of  Blancafort. 2021. Publication of Ca Marcelo.

Eko Kuca. 2022. Publication of Ca Marcelo in the digital magazine of architecture and culture Eko Kuka, from Novi Beograd, Serbia.

El projecte de l'espai viari. 2004. Publication of projects carried out in the subject Urbanism, of the courses coordinated by Estanislau Roca, Dani Mòdol and Manuel Franco. Aula d'Arquitectura.

Fundación Arquia. 2016. Publication of Casa Siena, Casa CL and Casa MB, to the cultural foundation and platform Fundación Arquia, from Barcelona, Spain. 2018. Publication of Casa Júlia. 2019. Publication of Casa VN and Day center and Home for the elderly of Blancafort. 2020. Publication of Servifinques and Casa GLAG. 2021. Publication of Ca Marcelo2022. Publication of Casa 22 Avellaners.

Galeria da arquitetura. 2018. Publication of Day center and Home for the elderly of Blancafort, Casa Siena and Casa Júlia on the platform Galeria da Arquitetura, from Sao Paulo, Brazil. 2019. Publication of Casa VN

G&G Magazine. 2019. Publication of Casa VN in number 13 of G&G Magazine, from Italy. Publication of Day center and Home for the elderly of Blancafort in number 14.  2020. Publication of Servifinques

Guia d'Arquitectura de Tarragona. 2018. Publication of Casa Gasset in the Tarragona Architecture guide, 20th century, edited by Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya, Demarcació de Tarragona.

Habitatge col·lectiu. 2002. Publication of projects carried out in the subject Projects VI, of the course coordinated by Enric Steegmann and others. Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.

Home Adore. 2018. Publication of Casa Júlia on the architecture and interiors platform Home Adore. 2019. Publication of Casa VN. 2020. Publication of Casa GLAG. 2021. Publication of Ca Marcelo and Casa d'en Jaume. 2022. Publication of Casa PR and Casa 22 Avellaners.

Home Stratosphere. 2022. Publication of Casa VNCasa d'en Jaume, Casa 22 Avellaners and Casa PR on the architecture and interiors platform Home Stratosphere, from Vancouver, Canada.

Home World Design. 2022. Publication of Casa PR on the architecture platform Home World Design.

Houzz. 2017. Publication of Casa MB and Casa Siena on the architecture platform Houzz. 2018. Publication of Casa Júlia. 2019. Publication of Casa VN and Day center and Home for the elderly of Blancafort. 2020. Publication of Casa GLAG and Servifinques. 2021. Publication of Ca Marcelo, Casa d'en Jaume, Casa 22 Avellaners and Casa PR.

INDE. 2005. Publication of the article El Govern Civil de Tarragona: un camí d'aprenentatge... del cub suprematista a la continuïtat de les vetes del parquet in the magazine INDE Informació i debat, edited by Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya. 

Inhabitat. 2022. Publication of Casa 22 Avellaners on the platform Inhabitat, from California, USA, which covers environmental news and the latest in sustainable design.

Jung. 2020. Publication of Casa VN and Casa Júlia on the platform Jung. 2021. Publication of Servifinques and Casa GLAG. 2023. Publication of Casa PR.

Innova/apc. 2020. Publication of Casa VN in the magazine Innova/apc20, anuario de práctica constructiva, Conarquitectura ediciones, from Madrid, Spain. 2022. Publication of Casa d'en Jaume in the magazine Innova/apc22.

Interiores Minimalistas. 2020. Publication of Casa Júlia and Casa GLAG on the platform Interiores Minimalistas, from Spain. 2021. Publication of Ca Marcelo. 2022. Publication of Casa d'en Jaume.

La Vanguardia. 2012. Article by Lorena Farràs about Casa CL on La Vanguardia newspaper, from Barcelona, Spain.

Living Deco. 2009. Publication of Casa MB in number 33 of the magazine Living Deco, from Barcelona, Spain.

Metalocus. 2018. Publication of Day center and Home for the elderly of Blancafort on the architecture platform Metalocus, from Madrid, Spain. 2020. Publication of Servifinques. 2021. Publication of Ca Marcelo, Casa d'en Jaume and Casa 22 Avellaners. 2022. Publication of Casa PR.

Nan Arquitectura. 2021. Publication of Casa d'en Jaume on the architecture magazine and platform Nan Arquitectura y Construcción, from Madrid, Spain.

PFC 2003-2006. 2006. Publication of the final project Complex d'activitats d'oci a Hellinikon - Atenes in the book PFC 2003-2006, edited by Demarcació de Tarragona del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya.

Platform Architecture and Design. 2017. Publication of Day center and Home for the elderly of Blancafort in number 12 of the magazine Platform Architecture and Design, from Italy, in the article Senior Housing, written by Marta Dore. 2019. Publication of Casa VN. 2021. Publication of Ca Marcelo.

Plataforma Arquitectura. 2016. Publication of Day center and Home for the elderly of Blancafort and Ca Marcelo on the platform Plataforma Arquitectura, from Chile. 2017. Publication of Casa Siena. 2018. Publication of Casa Júlia. 2019. Publication of Casa VN. 2021. Publication of Casa d'en Jaume2022. Publication of Casa 22 Avellaners.

Rethinking the Future. 2018. Publication of Day center and Home for the elderly of Blancafort on the architecture platform Rethinking the Future, from New Delhi, India. 2019. Publication of Casa VN and Casa Júlia. 2022. Publication of Casa PR, Casa 22 Avellaners, Casa d'en Jaume and Ca Marcelo.

Revista de la Construcción. 2023. Interview with Guillem Carrera, architect, on the construction platform Revista de la Construcción, from Spain.

Stepienybarno. 2020. Publication of Casa GLAG and Day center and Home for the elderly of Blancafort on the platform Stepienybarno, from Spain. 2021. Publication of Casa d'en Jaume.

TAG. 2012. Publication of the article Llei 3/2012, del 22 de febrer, de modificació del text refós de la llei d'urbanisme in number 66 of TAG magazine, edited by Col·legi d'Aparelladors, Arquitectes tècnics i Enginyers d'edificació de Tarragona.

The Best New Architects. 2020. Publication of Casa 2M on the platform The Best New Architects.

The Plan. 2023. Publication of Casa d'en Jaume and Casa PR on the architecture platform The Plan, from Bologna, Italy. 2024. Publication of Casa 22 Avellaners.

Veredes, arquitectura y divulgación. 2018. Publication of Day center and Home for the elderly of Blancafort and Casa Júlia on the architecture platform Veredes, arquitectura y divulgación, from Lugo, Spain. 

Vía Construcción. 2021. Publication of Ca Marcelo on the architecture platform Via Construcción, from Barcelona, Spain. 2022. Publication of Casa 22 Avellaners in number 159.

XXI Magazine. 2022. Publication of Casa 22 Avellaners on the architecture, design and art platform XXI Magazine, from Istanbul, Turkey. 2023. Publication of Day center and Home for the elderly of Blancafort and Ca Marcelo.

Zerobeyond. 2022. Publications of Casa Siena and Day center and Home for the elderly of Blancafort on the architecture platform Zerobeyond, from New York, USA.